Friday, July 22, 2011

Dressing for Success (In College)

When considering the concept of “dressing for success,” the first thought that comes to most peoples’ mind is how we dress for interviews and work. However, I offer some points to consider with regard to dressing professionally in other activities and situations. This post deals with just one… dressing for success in college.

Today’s job market is extremely competitive. Recent college graduates are competing not only with other recent graduates, but also with people who have 10, 20, or 30+ years of experience. With the average college student having thousands of dollars in student loans to pay off, it is extremely important to possess some competitive advantages.

So how do you set yourself apart? Simple. Dress business casual.

Just as your first impression is important when interviewing for jobs, so is the first impression that you give to professors and to students. Your appearance will be a large factor in determining their perception of you! Some universities already require students to dress business casual in some programs, but if not, here’s how this strategy can benefit you:

  • Professors and students will take you more seriously. You will be perceived as more intellectually capable and responsible, causing professors to be more likely to work with you and good students will be more likely to want you in their work groups. And we all know how important it is to have a good work group. In many fields of study this can dramatically affect your grades.
  • Receive better references highlighting your professionalism or the way that you carry yourself. This will not only help you to beat out competition in the job market, but it will also aid you in seeking scholarships to fund your education and reduce your college loans.
  • Future business opportunities may present themselves. Your classmates (with their partying and other related college activities) may not seem to have success written in their future, but you never know what kind of doors may open to them or how they may transform professionally. As you establish yourself as a professional they will desire to network with you, and in all reality, they could provide you with future opportunities. Professors may also present such opportunities in the future.

(NOTE: You must back up your appearance with your attitude and performance. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. However, in general one is more likely to be productive and focused when dressed for success.)

So if you truly want to be competitive in both the scholarship and job market, start by dressing for success! It requires a little effort and adjustment, but the payoffs are definitely worth it.

Best of luck!

FUTURE POSTS ARE COMING WITH REGARD TO NETWORKING, BUILDING YOUR BRAND, AND MORE. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! I have provided some great webpages below containing guidelines and tips for dressing for success in interviews and work.

How to dress for an interview:

How to dress for work

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